Date : 2017 Thursday 27 Jul
Code 142

Representatives of WHO EMRO to Visit Family Health System in Tabriz

on 29-30 July 2017.
Dr. Maha Eladawy, regional advisor of the WHO regional office for the Eastern Mediterranean and Dr. Jamela Elraiby, technical officer and director of health protection of EMRO will visit family health system of Tabriz on 29-30 July 2017.
The purpose of this visit is to develop a more strategic approach to the technical support that WHO provides in the area of Health Protection and Promotion.  The main focus in this mission will be Maternal, New born and Child health, Reproductive health, Adolescent and Elderly health. In addition, subjects of School Health and SDH/SDG will be covered as well.
More specifically this visit will provide an opportunity for:
  1. An in depth understanding of the programs and initiatives of the MOHME in the areas of health protection and promotion (with above focus) that would include identifying success areas and those that need further strengthening;
  2. Meeting and seeking the view of programs managers and policymakers in the MOHME in relevant areas of work and to get a firsthand insight into their technical assistance needs;
  3. Strategizing WHO`s support, from the three levels of the Organization, in the area health protection and promotion not only for the year 2017 but also for the next biennium