Step 1: Prepare required documents to apply for admission
Required documents to apply for admission:
- A) Study our university web site to look for your desire course and program. You can find them through faculties / Departments
- B) Study carefully rules, regulations and fees
- C) Scan the first page of your passport and resize it to suitable resolution and readable file (it should have at least 1 year to expire)
- D) Scan your latest academic degree certificate (in English language, signed and stamped) and resize it to suitable resolution and readable file
- E) Scan the transcript of your last academic degree (in English, signed and stamped) and resize it to a suitable resolution and readable file
- F) Scan your Biometric photo and resize it to suitable resolution
- G) Scan your receipt for “document review fee” which is signed and stamped in financial office. (if you can’t present in the mentioned office, you can ask one to pay it for you and E.mail the receipt for you). Also it should be in suitable resolution and a readable file
- H) Scan the documents related to your health and the absence of disorders and disabilities which prevent you from continuing your studies. If it isn’t available you can write and sign it. After registration you will need to
- visit a doctor to confirm your health status
Step 2: Open saorg web site to fill the form in order to get the SAORG Code
Click here:
Fill the form carefully and get the SAORG Code and keep it safe. You will need this code in next processes
Step 3: Open our University web site to fill the form in order to get the Pursue Code
Click here:
Fill the form carefully and get the Pursue Code and keep it safe. You will need this code in next processes
Step 4: Send a letter to our Email address and mention your “Pursue Code”
Click here:
Step 5: Get in touch with the University or your representative agent to follow up your application request
After getting admission letter from The University, be careful about your course plan and check the program start date, try to come to Tabriz two or three days before commencement, with all your original documents, (remember you cannot stay in dormitory until you register in University and getting your student cart), open a bank account, fill the insurance forms, pay the fees and get the insurance certificate, fill and sign agreement with the University, register your Persian and English language classes, buy a mobile telephone SIM card, pay you fees (tuition and dormitory) and finally fill the forms for registering in the University then get the room in dormitory