Accommodation costs

* The accommodation cost for all international students attending short courses less than 6 months is as follows:

1.     Single-bed room: 30 $ per night/per person

2.     Double-bed room: 15 $ per night/per person

3.     Three-bed room: 8 & per night/per person

* The accommodation cost for all international students attending PhD or M.Sc. courses and all short courses longer than 6 months is as follows:

1.     Single-bed room: 20 $ per night/per person

2.     Double-bed room: 10 $ per night/per person

3.     Three-bed room: 7 & per night/per person



Posted on   يکشنبه پنجم بهمن 1393  Time  11:26   by   فرزانه یعقوب دوست