Tabriz Children Hospital
Number of Staff: 359

Number of Beds: Total 200


Pediatrics (Gastrointestinology, Cardio vascular, Allergy, Asthma, Nephrology), Neurology, Hematology and Oncology, Hemodialysis, NICU-PICU, Neonatal and Pediatric surgery, ENT, Emergency, Operation Rooms and Anesthesiology.

Out-Patient Services

Specialty and subspecialty clinics: Pediatrics (Gastrointestinology Nephrology, Neurology, Cardiovascular, Immunology and Allergy), Pediatric surgery, Urology, Dentistry, Emergency Chemotheraphy.

Paraclinical Units

Laboratory, Echocardiography, Electroencephalography, Pharmacy, Endoscopy, Speech therapy, Radiology, Physiotherapy, Sonography, Audiometry-Tempanometry

Address:  Sheshgelan Ave.

Tel : + 98 411 5262250-5 – 5262277-8

Fax: + 98 411 5262279
