About us

  Tabriz University of Medical Sciences (TUOMS), affiliated to the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education is one of the oldest and highest educational centers in Iran.TUOMS tries to fulfill its three important missions': research, education and health care. It enjoys 7 vice chancellors for organizing all the tasks of the TUOMS as:

Vice chancellor for research-Vice chancellor for education-Vice chancellor for health -Vice chancellor for treatment affairs-Vice chancellor for food & drug-Vice chancellor for student’s affairs-Vice chancellor for resource management affairs

 Based on its ancient origins" Rab-e-Rashidi complex", founded in 1312 Ac. as the oldest and greatest scientific and educational complex in the country which has been recorded as the first written heritage in the universal memory of UNESCO,

In the line with fulfilling the objectives of educational system and training skilled professionals, this University has various affiliated schools organized into the departments which cover a wide range of basic and clinical sciences courses. These include as doctrates in medicine, dentistry and pharmacy, as well as bachelor, masters and doctrate of philosopy (PhD) degrees in various disciplines of medical and paramedical  sciences. Speciality and subspeciality courses in different medical fields are active as postgraduates studies. There are several high levels schools in TUOMS as:·        medicine,·        pharmacy,·        dentistry,·        public health and nutrition

·        paramedical sciences ,·        nursing and midwifery ,·        rehabilitation ,·        advanced medical sciences  

Besides more than 6778 students in Bsc. 2826, Msc, 627, professional Doctorate 2372, Residency 917, subspecialty 23, fellowship 13 and enjoying 625 qualified academic staff including 55 full professors, 180 associate professors, 315 assistant professors, 75 lecturers, this university not only offers educational services but also provides required health services. Considering this view, it can be said that this university is of vital role in the health of the province.

 Apart from the schools and research centers, TUOMS has 12 teaching hospitals serving the population of East Azerbaijan province and neighboring provinces as well as supervising on 29 hospitals of the region. The teaching hospitals involve both undergraduate and postgraduate courses, encompassing both clinical skills and the knowledge of basic sciences required in the practice of medicine.  

The research activities of TUOMS as one of the highest research institutes in the  northwest part of the country and region, are often of an interdisiplinary nature and are directed towards increaing knowledge and improvment in patient care as wll as the basic sciences. All the university major plans and policies for research have been supervised by the vice chancellor for reserach and technology of the university.

TUOMS organizes its research projects in more than 18 research centers.

The main  research areas in the basic science incloudes:

Nanomedicine, biomedicine, health and nutrition, health management, pharmaceutical and pharmacological researches

 Some clinical researches areas are: Maternal and neonatal regionalization and health programs, MDR Tuberculosis, Gastroenterology, Evidence Base Medicine in clinical area, public health,….

Not only the university is committed to excellence in research and education but also is committed to endeavor health promotion in the region. To meet this need, the university has established over 226 rural and urban health centers.    

 Indeed TUOMS offers a high quality of education leading to an internationally recognized qualification to the foreign students, and will provide them with all support services required to ensure rewarding academic and social experiences.

In this regards, International Affairs Office (IRO) of this university plays an effective role as its duty. This office advises and supports in conducting its international activities including liaising with overseas centers, universities and agencies. For more information please check the following sit:www.Tbzmed.ac.ir


