Biochemistry and Clinical Laboratories
Founded in 1959, the Clinical Laboratory is one of the largest and oldest educational departments in Iran. A genetic unit has been established in this department recently. The department plays an active role in the educational programmes of the Medical, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Paramedical and Health Sciences faculties and takes tremendous steps to provide research facilities and equipments.
The background of research in the Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Sciences is the basis for the orientation of diseases, and is related to the following fields: lipids, the metabolism of lipids and proteins, cancers, oxidative stress, molecular and human genetics, nutrition and atherosclerosis. The department also admits students for M.S and Ph.D studies in Clinical Biochemistry for a period of 2 years and four years respectively.

Divisions of the department:
Clinical Biochemistry, Genetics, Clinical Laboratory Medicine


Subject taught to students on following courses:

Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedical sciences.


Educational Laboratories:
general biochemistry, clinical biochemistry, electrophoresis, radio-immunoassay, HPLC and other chromatographic analysis, chromatography (2 labs)    
Research centres: Electrophoresis and chromatography, Radio immunoassay, Clinical biochemistry

 areas of Research

- Lipid and lipoproteins, enzymes, renal stones
- Lipid and Lipoprotein metabolism and diseases
- Clinical embryology
- Molecular endocrinology
- Molecular biotechnology
- Molecular pathology
- Cancer research
- Reproductive biology
- Atherosclerosis, Free radicals, IVF

Medicine School, Golghasht St., Daneshghah St.

Tel : +98 411 3351074

Fax  : +98 411 3348573

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